need to know

Disclaimers, Rules, and Such


  1. All Supplies are dependent upon stock.

    2. I have the right to substitute colors, brands, or products at any time depended upon stock and availability.

    3. All kits will come with 1 fun Bonus goodie draw.

    4. Bonus Goodies Stock will be dependent upon bag rating, availability, and season. I try to match your theme when possible.

    5. All Sales are Final and no returns are accepted.

    6. Anything that must be ordered may add upto a month for delivery.


  1. All Medical Products are labeled as “Pouches”. Most will not have Gender Branding and are Neutral. Options will include Adult and Kids.

    2. All Fun Life Products are Labeled as “Kits”. Most will have the option to choose gender branding (Feminine, Masculine, Neutral) and the Optional Ratings. Some of my “Fun” kits are adult only and will not have the option for a kid version.

    3. If you choose an R-rated option, your goodie may also be adult and/or offensive.

    All G-Rated options will have non offensive Bonus Goodies. Kid Options will be appropriate for ages 12 and under and some pouches come from the G-Rated Stock.

And Such…

"R-rated" pouches and kits advertisement featuring sarcastic sayings, profanity, and adult imagery on various bags. Includes categories like "Period/PCOS," "Walk of Shame/Hoe bag," and "Medical." Disclaimer about stock availability.


These products may have adult language, adult scenes/pictures, and innuendo. This includes pouches, stickers, add-ons, and bonus goodies.

"G-Rated" pouches and kits with various designs and colors. Text description includes selling points such as free from profanity and specific bag availability depends on stock.


These products have NO adult language, adult scenes/pictures, and innuendo. These include solid colored pouches.